منتدى: لعبة الدفاع المقدس إضافة مشاركة

Modding Community / Digirails184: 19-03-2018 02:18

Will this simulation game ever be allowed to be modded? With many experienced game developers out in the world, this would surely keep the fanbase or community involved with this alive and prosperous for a long time. Take for example, ARMA 3 by Bohemia Interactive. First released 2013, the simulator is still active and very popular even today, which is 5 years later. But they stayed popular due to the developers allowing the players to mod and make additions they liked. For example, people would add new guns or game modes. This is a genuine question, many people like me, avid players, would like to know the answer to, as it would secure our destiny with this.

المشرف: 2018-03-22 03:49:21

Dear sir,
Thank you for your interest in holy defence game.
we cannot tell you that the capability of modding the game will be provided soon.
but we can say that we are working very hard to keep the holy defence game alive.


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